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Shelby Deines, M.L.T.

Shelby Deines, M.L.T.

Shelby was born and raised on a family farm outside Herington, Kansas. Growing up on a farm, she was taught how a successful life is earned through hard work and dedication. Her motto in life is “If you want something, work hard and you will achieve it; there are no short cuts.” Without having her family as her foundation, she would not be where she is today. They taught her how to be honest, caring, stand up for herself, love people, and to help others as much as she can.

Her compassion to help people is what encouraged her to become a Medical Laboratory Technician. No matter what reason people come to a hospital, it all starts with the lab. The lab gives the doctor the patient’s diagnosis.

In 2014, Shelby graduated at the top of her class, with a 4.0 GPA, from Manhattan Area Technical College. She received a degree in Associates of Applied Science in Medical Laboratory Technology. Post-graduation, she completed her 6 month internship at Newton Medical Center.

After the internship, she took a full time Medical Lab Tech position at a critical access hospital at Herington Municipal Hospital. There, she gained a lot of experience being on call for the Emergency Room. She eventually decided to pursue her dream of working at a bigger hospital and received a job offer from Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan, Kansas on the night shift.

When the opportunity presented itself to work with new cutting edge medicine, she leaped at the chance. Shelby is enthusiastic to be a part of the Kansas RMC team and advanced medicine.

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